Hi guys, This is my homepage about the game red alert 2. My nickname there is Silenceko. Silenceko consists
of silence and knock out. On my homepage you can download my self-maked maps for RA2, as mmx-files. If
you want to have your own maps, contact me and send me a mail with you wishes what you want to have in your map. If
the map wount come up to you, tell me and I will make it better, if it´s possible. It would be great to give me your
own mailaddress, because it´s possible, that I have some questions to you to get to know some specified things. Solltet
ihr schon maps downloaden wollen, tut es mir leid wenn ich keine Mapansichten hier ausgestellt habe, aber die fehlenden Programme
bekomme ich bald und dann könnt ihr sie vorher angucken bevor ihr sie downloaded